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Send us a quick message using this form or you can reach us at hello@sillygoosephoto.com or 770-722-3056.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

828 Ralph McGill Boulevard Northeast
Atlanta, GA, 30306
United States

Capturing your little goose's silliest moments at home & school



What is Silly Goose?

Every child has their own unique silliness that we want to bottle up and save forever. While we can't stop them from aging, we can capture your goose's silliest moments at home and at school. With over a decade of experience in photographing families, Silly Goose is taking a new approach to school and family photography to provide you with images of your flock in their natural state.

On your walls, not in your wallets

We know each child is a work of art, so we strive to provide photos that belong on your walls. School and family photos shouldn't be relegated to your wallet.  What better thing to look at every day than a loving family moment?


With Silly Goose, you won't have to choose from a standard package. You'll own digital copies of your images so you can have the flexibility to customize the prints you want for yourself and your family.